Think about how many children we can vaccinate :) I'm so proud!
Wednesday, I went with Sophie, my exchange student, to a "Pumpkin Patch" to get some pumpkins for Halloween. There were so many, and a lot of pretty ones! Different sizes and different colors too. We got 7.
Finally, Saturday night, I worked for another association "Splash" which goal is to donate for Ethiopia's children to have clean water. My work was to explain to people in what this project was about and to try to convince them to donate what they wanted to because every dollar can help those children to have a safe life. Well, Splash project also concerns Cambodia, China, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam but we were only looking for donations for Ethiopia. There was also an auction sale and we could play some Vegas Games like the Roulette and Black Jack. My host family has donated 3 000$, isn't it amazing?!
(I don't have pictures of myself sorry)
If you guys want to know more about the association http://splash.org/where/country/ethiopia/