lundi 9 septembre 2013

Arrival ! By Delphine

Hello there. Hope everybody will enjoy our stay in Seattle as far as everybody can follow our experience here (:
The trip was so long, but we had a lot to do : especially movies ! We had four meals too during the trip . . . Terrible.
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We could have a look on our trip in live, we could know the temperature, how far we were from Seattle, the countries we passed by/crossed. Just in front of each person, on the seat in front of you, there were tactil screens, evereyone could choose his movie, his music, or whatever. Check it out, isn't it AWSOME ? ;D
I just arrived and went to visit Seattle, went to some pot-lucks where people talked about workers conditions, about healthy food and its quality, people are very aware about these things. After being awake for 24 hours (my family made the calculation), I finally went to bed in my new room !

Queen Sized bed, wow !
First Day of school, we already have some homework, so we go to the librabry. Then during breaks, everyone has an environmental "mission". i.e. he has to make something to keep the school clean, we personally vacuumed rooms, it was so funny and so hard, but also very interesting, you feel proud whe, you then go back to the rooms you cleaned yourself.

5 commentaires:

  1. Happy to read that you feel so well integrated.
    May I suggest you to make better the reading of the title of your blog. There are too many things on the picture you have selected.

    1. Do you think it's better right now, or should I delete my (so cool)sentence :"Seattle-Northwest territories : Between wilderness and civilization" ?

    2. It is much more better now. Do not delete your "so cool" sentence !!

  2. Better late than never! I have found few minutes to visit your blog at last! I can see you are making the most of your stay there and that you have already discovered few places and new activities such as..hoovering...
    I am looking forward to reading new articles.

    1. Sure ! And better reading even just a little bit, than no read at all ! Thank's for posting a comment ! Do not hesitate if you have some questions or if we made some grammatical mistakes . . . Have a nice Day !
