lundi 9 septembre 2013

Arrival ! By Mélanie

Hello, here is Mélanie! The last few days, I did a lot of things. First of all, just after my arrival, I went to a Baseball Game with my host family, to see the Mariners (they lost). I managed to stay awake because I really wanted to see the match. 

Two days after that, I went to downtown and Pike Place Market, it was amazing. Everything is bigger here. Next to Pike Place Market is the famous Gum Wall. I stuck my chewing gum with my pen-friend, it was funny!

Then 3 days ago I went to a Chinese restaurant with my new friends, and the man cooked the food in front of us, he was the fastest cooker I've ever seen! The food was so delicious.

- We will post a new article soon ☺ -

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